It’s your time to shine – Motivational

Every Friday I am going to share a little thought process for you. You don’t have to read it, but I hope you do. If anything I want it to be inspiring, and perhaps put some of your fears to rest and empower you to keep doing what you are doing.
Happy Friday the 13th! Today is usually a day to fear but not today! It’s all in how you look at life! I choose today to be TBDE! The Best Day Ever – courtesy of Spongebob!

Why would I think that in an economy like we have today? Why would I think of it in that way with many people not working, businesses failing, and the threats of what CPSIA will do to many, many more small businesses. I will tell you why. I believe. Plain and simple. I believe. I am a dreamer yes, but I am also a realist. I know that times are hard, but you have to change YOUR mindset to know that THIS is YOUR time to shine. It is time for you to re-invent yourself. It is an opportunity to make those changes in your business that just aren’t working for you, set up a new plan and market yourself like crazy! It honestly does not take a lot of money to do that, just time, and patience. You have to take advantage of the situation and really put yourself to the test. Can you do it? Do you believe in yourself, or in your product? Because I know that I believe in your business and products. If you have been with me for a while, you know that is the honest to goodness truth. Those that just recently joined, after you get to know me (more on a personal level), you will come to see that I really do love working with who I’ve come to call, “My girls”, just ask any of them, they’ll tell ya! 🙂

Now what I want you to do is, stop thinking about the “What If’s” and replace that with “No matter what, I will succeed”. You and you alone have the power to change how your business is going. If you don’t like something, change it. If you want more retailers, go get them. If you don’t know how to do something, ask someone who does. YOU have the power. Don’t let the news, the media, the papers, the magazines dictate how you run your business. You have invested too much to just throw it all to the dogs. Put yourself out there. Make yourself heard. Make yourself seen.

For instance, I know that there are other gifting companies out there. It just goes to prove that there is a market for what I am doing. I am ok with the competition. It just makes life more interesting. It allows me to reinvent myself all the time. Bring in new things, test things out, get rid of things that don’t work for the companies I represent. I never was one for long term contracts because I don’t like to tie people in Baby Swags unless they want to be here. I have built my business just as you all have. I have spent countless hours up at night researching, making contacts, taking pictures of product, writing press releases, reaching out to companies for support, strumming up media, and I won’t stop. I am up at 7am, running around with three kids all day and night, then when they are all in bed, I work until 3am. I don’t do this a few nights, I do this EVERY night. I am constantly reaching out to people whether it be on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, ning networks, email networks, my network, I reach out and make myself available to my clients, my contacts, my friends. With everything I do, I put at least 200% into it. I have built my business by providing the best customer service and have developed a great following. I have become well known in the entrepreneurial community and I am extremely proud of all my accomplishments and for the fact that I have been able to do my job and have received many positive results. I don’t like failing and I certainly do not like giving up on my dreams. Like the Trump man says, quitting makes you a loser and I am not a loser, nor are you.

So you see, I have the same exact work ethics as you do. I work hard, I put my best foot forward and I keep on movin towards my goals. I am not giving up, not now, not ever and nor should you. Do not let this economic situation make you a victim. Stand tall, stand strong and you will see, when this becomes a distant memory, YOU will still be standing!


Well, I hope you have found this to be inspiring and I hope that you are all up to date with what is going on with Baby Swags. It is an exciting time, please take advantage of any opportunities you can. I promise to do my best at getting you the recognition you truly deserve. Your hard work and dedication will certainly not go unnoticed!

Don’t forget- follow me on Twitter!

Have a great, fun-filled weekend! Email me if you need me!


Phyllis Pometta
Find me on Facebook & Myspace by searching for – BabySwags